Saturday, September 11, 2010

Blog - 9/10/10

This might just be the greatest two weeks of my life. Senior year is everything I expected and much more.

So where do I start? I absolutely LOVE all of my classes as I have many great friends in them and many great teachers. I love waking up early to lift some weights and I love going to bed earlier than normal. Everything just feels so right.

Last night was my first stag dance of my life and what a roller coaster ride it was. Things started off with my friend driving me and another friend down to Albertson's to get my girl some flowers. We blasted Alice in Chains on the way down there while rolling down the windows as I sang the song to random people who gave me odd looks. Instead of getting her flowers (or sticks), I bought some baby food and some sort of toy animal that said "I love my mommy." because earlier in the week, I bought her a balloon that said "It's a boy!" On the way back, we blasted "Jizz in My Pants" while some girls looked at us in the parking lot. The dance started off really bad. I don't know how to dance but what hurt more was seeing my girl with someone else. I then saw her sitting by herself and she explained to me how she didn't like being around him and all sorts of stuff so I just went out and asked her out to Homecoming and she hugged me and said yes. I hung out with her for the rest of the night and it just made everything perfect.

Tonight is Glory by Honor IX on iPPV and it will be the first PPV I have ever ordered from ROH. I'm so stoked about it and I'm so glad I won't have to think about getting a Homecoming date while watching it. I can just sit back and enjoy the show. :)

I'll be posting some new videos on the raymondisgood YouTube channel soon and maybe even a new video on the rayalmighty1 channel. Stay tuned!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Blog - 8/19/10

I'm back once again with my second blog of the month with a few updates to give you guys!

I just finished my senior registration and I'm ready to begin my senior year soon! Registration was great because I got to see some people who I haven't seen all summer and talking to them really made my day. Words cannot describe what's going through my head as I set to begin my senior year. Will 0 period be a pain? Will I go to Homecoming? Will I go to Prom? Will I go to all of the dances? With who? How will graduation be like? It's making me nervous but I say bring it on.

I'm also so glad to be done with summer school. Staying in the same classroom for 5+ hours gets really irritating for me. I did indeed meet some great people during my time there but I'm just so glad I'm done with it.

Oh, and last Thursday I raised hell at my usual hang out spot down at a mall where I also got to see The Other Guys movie. My friends really seemed to enjoy it and I got a kick out of it as well. If you're interested in seeing the shit that went down that day, click here!

The next time I'll probably be blogging is when my senior year of high school officially begins. Hang tight. I know I am. I'm stoked.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Blog - 8/10/10

Has it really been more than one month since I last blogged? Well... I'm finally back!

I know I said I was going to start making new Runescape videos but I honestly have not found the interest to do so. Don't worry, I eventually will make new videos but at the moment, don't expect anything new concerning Runescape.

However, I will definitely be posting more non Runescape oriented videos and you can find them on my raymondisgood YouTube channel.

Summer vacation has about a month left and my summer school ends this Thursday! It's gonna be a great day as I plan on watching TNA's special show called "The Whole F*N Show" as well as hitting up the movie theaters later that night. Pro wrestling has been very enjoyable as of late as both ROH and TNA have both been hitting their strides.

I'm gonna be posting more videos on my alternate channel so please subscribe there where you can see new videos! Thanks!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Blog - 7/3/10

Just one day before the 4th of July, I'm back here with another new blog. A lot has happened since the last time I blogged so here we go!

Let's start off with the things going on in my school life. My junior year ended last month and I'm officially now a senior. And unfortunately, I have summer school but I can't complain since I signed up for it. And to be honest, the class ain't even that bad. I just can't wait for my REAL senior year starts. :)

Everyone knows how excited I was to watch Toy Story 3 and I got to see it on it's first day of release. It was most definitely one of the best movies I have ever seen and I highly suggest you watch this one because every second of it was awesome! Can't wait for the DVD release now!

I just got TNA Lockdown 2010 on DVD and that reminds me, wrestling right now is on fire! ROH and TNA are just tearing it up and Victory Road looks to be a phenomenal show! Very excited to both watch Lockdown and Victory Road! Oh, and the upcoming ROH shows are looking sick!

Lastly, I renewed my Runescape membership a couple days ago so you can be sure that I'll be posting a new video this month! I'm not sure what kind of video it will be but it certainly will be out! Hopefully, I'll get the opportunity to blog once again next week since I'll be watching another movie and I'll probably have a bunch of news. Peace out!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Blog - 6/13/10

Well, guys, my junior year is finally coming to a close and I'm about to become a senior! I have finals this week but whatever, school has been pretty damn good. Last Friday was such a chill day for me because I loved both 1st and 2nd period as I got to talk to some great people and not do anything much but just chill around. 3rd and 4th period were pretty chill as well but lunch was awesome since I had to go to my Engineering class and have a sumo car battle in which our mechanical cars that we made in class fought each other... good fun. 5th period was really awesome since I got to work on my powerpoint and finally we went to watch the boat racing competitions. Me and my friends watched a little bit and finally decided to leave and just chill around campus. My final period was English class where I got to read my Shawn Michaels story aloud and in front of the class. I'll definitely be posting it on Associated Content sometime this month. It's an awesome read.

Last night, I uploaded a new video called the June 2010 Challenge in which you must post a video response of you completing a Tears of Guthix minigame and the person who scores the highest score will earn a spot in one of my upcoming videos. However, if the highest score trumps my score of 177, you will also get free Runescape membership for 30 days! Good luck to all!

Toy Story 3 is coming out on Friday and I already got my free movie ticket to go and check it out! I've been waiting so many damn years to check this thing out and I'm very excited for it! I've been watching Toy Story 1 and 2 this weekend to get myself in the Toy Story mood.

The day after Toy Story 3 is ROH Death Before Dishonor VIII! Words cannot describe how stoked I am for this event. For those who don't know, I'm a huge pro wrestling fan and ROH is a small wrestling company that has more wrestling and value than WWE and TNA combined. The event is absolutely stacked and Tyler Black vs. Davey Richards will fucking tear the damn house down! Event of the year so far and it hasn't even happened yet! ROH! ROH! ROH!

Lastly, I've been watching a lot of Gordon Ramsay's television shows and that includes his recent show called The Great Escape. An awesome show and you guys should definitely check this one out.

Well, my junior year is drawing near to it's close and I'll be blogging once again in the upcoming weeks or so when I'm in summer school. Peace out. Oh... and GO CELTICS!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Blog - 5/11/10

It's been awhile since I last blogged and I got some good shit to talk about!

First off, I have a TON of school shit to do so don't expect anything special coming out soon. However, I do plan on working on a new video this weekend! HOWEVER, it'll most likely be my last video until mid June when the school year is over. HOWEVER, I have summer school but I'm sure that won't get in my way of getting things done. :)

I got 99 Cooking a couple weeks ago. Nothing special but I'm just really happy that I got another 99 skill!

I saw Iron Man 2 just last Friday and I must say, it was one hell of a movie! I really enjoyed the first one and the second one totally met up to my expectations. It's hard to believe it's been over two years since the first one was released! Anyway, if you have the time, go check it out because I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

Just last Thursday, I purchased WrestleMania 26 on DVD and I'm going to review it soon! Again, I don't have much time on my hands so don't expect it soon but who knows, I might be able to review it this weekend if I have the time. Also, I'm very excited about the new Undertaker DVD that's coming out in June. I'm definitely going to be getting that baby!

I have a lot of shit to attend to nowadays and I hope I get it done as fast as possible so I can work on new videos and such! Peace out, guys!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Blog - 4/23/10

First things first, thank God it is Friday!

After months and months of fishing on Runescape, I have finally achieved 99 Fishing! I didn't feel like it was necessary to have a party because 99 Fishing isn't really that difficult. I'll now be setting now sights on getting 99 Cooking. I'm not sure what I'll be doing after but I'm sure it's going to be great.

I have a lot of ideas on making new videos at the moment but because time is such an issue, it's hard to get anything done. However, it's nearly summer and there, I'll do my best to get out some new videos for you great people.

Lastly, I just reviewed disc 3 of the Shawn Michaels - My Journey DVD and you can read it by clicking here. It's a phenomenal DVD and it showcases one of the best performers in professional wrestling history in Shawn Michaels and it is a definite gem.

I'll post another blog soon and if you have any questions or suggestions, just sent me a quick message on YouTube. Until then, peace out!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Blog - 4/1/10

Happy April Fool's Day! Firstly, let me just say that I'm working on a new video which is slated for a release next week or so. It's going to be about the Runescape Gathering which will be happening on April 10.

Secondly, I'm getting very close to finally achieving 99 Fishing as I am just 1 million XP away from that achievement. I'm not going to have a party or anything because come on, it's just Fishing!

WrestleMania 26 was last Sunday and I personally thought that it was an amazing event! I stated in my previous blog that I was deeply saddened by Shawn Michaels' career coming to a close but I must understand that all good things must come to an end. I wish him well in his life after wrestling. I'm stoked for the DVD release of the event. Blu-ray or DVD?

Lastly, there is a new poll out on my blog on how many times a year there should be a Bonus XP Weekend. So head down to the poll section of my website and vote right now! Stay tuned for the new video next week, everyone! Peace out!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Blog - 3/28/10

I didn't get to see the entire Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker match at WrestleMania 26, however, I am still amazed at the performance that I saw by both men. I have been watching Shawn Michaels wrestle since grade school and seeing him leave is such a tough task. I have enjoyed his matches with the likes of Chris Jericho, Triple H, Rey Mysterio, and even Kane. I am so stoked for the event to be released on DVD in May but until then, I'll be thinking about all of the great moments that Shawn has given to me over the past years. Thank you, Shawn.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Blog - 2/28/10

On the last day of February, I have decided to give you a new blog with a good amount of things to talk about.

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who watched my Machinima Contest entry video which was the 2010 Super Bowl Commercial featuring the beautiful West Ardougne. Although it didn't win, I'm so very glad that I got the opportunity to share it with my wonderful fans and subscribers. THANK YOU!

I've been playing a lot of video games lately, mainly Lego Batman and Left 4 Dead 2. I don't know what it is about those Lego games that makes me crave for more. Oh, and Left 4 Dead 2 is pretty damn good as well.

WrestleMania 26 is just days away and so far, the card is looking magical. Hopefully, I'll be there in Arizona to watch it live.

School has been going great and it's the main reason on why there hasn't been a lot of videos made by me. I'm excited to end this year of school because next year is going to be an awesome one. My summer is also going to be a busy one as well. My goals for this year's summer: complete summer school, get a job, and begin my career as a pro wrestler.

I'll be back soon to post another blog and share with you what I've been doing. I just want to thank all my fans once more who have supported me and give me that boost to make more and better videos. THANK YOU!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blog - 2/7/10

Today is definitely going to be a big one because it's the Super Bowl between the Saints and the Colts! The team I'm pulling for is the Saints because I really like Drew Brees. I'm pretty damn excited about it!

Also, I announced last night that NightmareRH is the 2009 Video Maker of the Year. Congratulations to NightmareRH on this special honor!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Blog - 1/30/10

What a night it was last night! I knew I was going to be in for something special and I was. I went down to Los Angeles to watch a Ring of Honor Wrestling show and it was off the charts.

I spent hours in Los Angeles and hours more at the event itself that went from 8:45 to 12:25. The action during the matches was just completely unreal. From start to finish, every match brought something different to the table and really made the crowd hungry for more. The show then turned it up a notch when it was finally time for the two final main events. Those two matches were ridiculously awesome with nonstop action throughout. After, we went down to Denny's and ate at around 1:30. What a memorable night.

Just a couple days ago, I read about the second Runescape Machinima Contest and I am here to state that I will be enterting the contest. I am also very interested in The Orb of Oculus thing that they are doing. I might have to make a review video on that. Anyway, stay tuned for a contest entry soon.

Lastly, the voting for Best Video Maker of 2009 ends tomorrow so get your final votes in! I'll announce the winner soon after!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Blog - 1/29/10

What a week it has been so far. Wednesday, I passed my dreaded license test! I was extremely nervous but I kept my composure throughout and passed my test to finally get my drivers license.

Last night was also a great one since I finished finals week and got to see The Book of Eli. I went down to a mall with some friends to watch the movie but before we did so, we went to Wal Mart and totally fucked around. From throwing a football all over the place to riding little bikes, we did it and we pissed off the employees.

After getting told to get off the bikes, we went to see the movie and I can easily say that it is one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. Considering I'm a huge Denzel Washington fan, it was no surprise that I was so impressed by this movie. In my opinion, this is Denzel's best movie since Man on Fire which to this day, is one of the best movies I have ever seen. If you have the time, check out this movie because I'm sure you will be impressed.

I'll be posting another blog tomorrow with my thoughts on the new Runescape Machinima Contest and my trip to Los Angeles. BRB.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Blog - 1/24/10

It's been awhile since I have posted a blog and in the final stages of the first month of a new year, here we are. Luckily for you guys, I got a lot of news.

First things first, the 2009 Runie Awards and the deleted scenes have both been uploaded with the Best Video Maker of the Year of 2009 Runie Award being decided at the end of the month when the results of the poll deciding the winner is complete. Stay tuned because there is no clear cut winner.

For those wondering, I haven't been playing Runescape lately for many reasons. For one, I have finals all this week and there is no time for me to be playing anything. Also, I've been addicted to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Call of Duty: World at War. Although I won't be playing these two games this week, I've been playing the shit out of them lately and you can expect Call of Duty videos in the future.

In the world of professional wrestling, I've been both intrigued and disappointed at some of the things that have been going on. I'm really excited about this year's Royal Rumble because just like the 2009 Video Maker of the Year, there is no clear cut winner. I've got a feeling this year's Rumble is going to be a good win and as for my pick, I gotta go with John Cena. I'm not a Cena fan at all but everything points in his direction of winning. And maybe, we'll see the return of Edge... maybe.

Lastly, I recently got the opportunity to watch the blockbuster movie known as Avatar. To be quite honest with you guys, I was very disappointed with it. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I'm just not very interested in sci-fi movies but who knows. I still enjoyed it but it definitely isn't my favorite movie of all time.

There is going to be a lot of things happening over the next few months so remember to stay tuned. See you soon!