Monday, April 13, 2015

WWE Survivor Series 2014 Review

Match 1: WWE World Tag Team Championships - Gold & Stardust (c) vs. The Usos vs. The Miz & Damien Mizdow vs. Los Matadores
The November tradition that is Survivor Series opens up with a four-way tag match! St. Louis is absolutely rocking for Mizdow. Match starts and he's all that they are chanting for, him reenacting every move of The Miz throughout the match was just gold. An overall good opening match that saw every team get in a good amount of offense with Mizdow basically stealing the spotlight from everyone. Finish came when an Uso hit a splash off the top rope before Miz tagged himself in. However, Mizdow tagged Miz and got the pin for the victory as the crowd exploded. Miz celebrates with both titles as Mizdow celebrates alongside with him. Awesome.
Winners: The Miz & Damien Mizdow
Rating: ***

Match 2: Traditional Survivor Series Elimination - Team Paige (Paige, Cameron, Layla, & Summer Rae) vs. Team Natalya (Natalya, Naomi, Emma, & Alicia Fox)
This match got so much time. And boy, did it ever feel like it. That's not to say the match was bad, it just wasn't good enough to stick around for nearly 15 minutes! Eliminations just didn't feel any special and the crowd had the life sucked out of them. Some cool spots here and there but nothing that will warrant me to believe the WWE actually gives two damns about the Divas division. Team Natalya gets the clean sweep.
Winners: Team Natalya
Rating: *3/4

Match 3: Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose
After interfering in Ambrose's Hell in a Cell match a month ago, Bray Wyatt faces him tonight in the third contest of the night. Great hard-hitting style of wrestling from top to bottom. Crowd was really behind both guys, they didn't do any pretty submissions or reversals, just punches and tosses. A nice breath of fresh air as their styles meshed well together. Wyatt gets on the microphone and ominously talks to Ambrose before tossing in a couple chairs. However, Ambrose grabs one of them and knocks Wyatt out as the referee calls for disqualification. Afterwards, Ambrose puts Wyatt through a table and buries him in tables and chairs before posing on top of a ladder. Great match to kick off what should be a big payoff for the next PPV.
Winner: Bray Wyatt
Rating: ***

Match 4: Adam Rose & The Bunny vs. Slater Gator
This match was placed on the card to remind us that this is supposed to be a PPV! With that being said, the crowd showed zero interest in this match and rightfully so. This is childish to the max, I find it hard to believe that even the PG audience is interested in this. Bunny gets tagged in and pins Slater for the win as Adam Rose looks in astonishment.
Winners: Adam Rose & The Bunny
Rating: 1/4*

Match 5: Divas Championship - AJ Lee (c) vs. Nikki Bella
The bell rings as Brie Bella steps on the ring apron and plants a huge kiss on AJ. AJ is stunned and as soon as she turns around, Nikki hits her finisher to capture the Divas Championship. Seriously, this is getting ridiculous.
Rating: 1/4*

Match 6: Traditional Survivor Series Elimination - Team Authority (Seth Rollins, Kane, Rusev, Luke Harper & Mark Henry) vs. Team Cena (John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Ryback, The Big Show, & Erick Rowan)
This is one of the most epic main events in Survivor Series as The Authority will be put out of power if their team loses. However, if The Authority's team wins, John Cena's teammates will be fired. Things didn't start too well when Show knocked out Henry within the first minute of the match for an elimination. Cool way to start off the match, puts the pressure even more against The Authority. And in order to keep Rusev's undefeated streak in tact, he got counted out after missing a splash on Ziggler through the announce table. Authority tried shoving his unconscious body back into the ring but to no avail. It eventually came down to 3 vs. 3 but Big Show landed a huge punch upon Cena which led to his elimination. Show then shook Triple H's hand and walked out to get himself counted out. It's all down to Ziggler. He at least manages to take out Kane first before Harper then inserts himself into the match. Harper almost defeats Ziggler but Ziggler miraculously rolls Harper up and eliminates him by pulling his tights! It's now down to Rollins vs. Ziggler. The St. Louis crowd is on their feet! The two go back and fourth in an awesome exchange before Triple H removes the referee as The Authority look to take out Ziggler who fights back! Ziggler looks to score the victory for his team until Triple H removes the second referee in the match! He plants Ziggler with a Pedigree and calls for Scott Armstrong! Armstrong is about to make the count but out comes Sting! He plants Triple H and places Ziggler's body over Rollins for the win. Team Cena wins, The Authority is removed from power and the only way they may be reinstated is through John Cena. Great main event with a great debut for Sting which likely leads to a WrestleMania match.
Winners: Team Cena
Rating: ****

Overall Thoughts and Rating:
It's almost as if the WWE threw away the entire show in order to put all their stock in the main event. The match was great but not enough to justify the rest of the event which was pretty lackluster. One of the more disappointing Survivor Series shows in recent history.
Rating: 4/10

Sunday, April 5, 2015

WWE Fastlane 2015 Review

Match 1: Dolph Ziggler, Erick Rowan, & Ryback vs. The Big Show, Kane, & Seth Rollins
Basically a Survivor Series main event rematch as we open up Fastlane! Although this match is getting tiresome, I still thoroughly enjoyed this match. Action featured The Authority in control for the better part of the match that saw Ziggler being left out as the crowd was continuously chanting for him. Ryback stepped up his game for this match, more fluid in the ring and is living off the Ryback chants. However, Ziggler came in to the match late where Big Show landed a nasty KO Punch on the side of the ring where Kane then pinned Ziggler for the win. The Authority then look to dismantle the rejects again until Randy Orton appears out of nowhere and scares everybody off! Quality opener with a cool surprise of Orton finally returning to the ring. Bring on Orton vs. Rollins!
Winners: The Big Show, Kane, & Seth Rollins
Rating: **3/4

Match 2: Stardust vs. Goldust
Considering that these two brothers have been tagging so long, it truly is a shame that the WWE dropped the ball on this feud. I would have loved to see this on the WrestleMania card. But such is wrestling and here we are. I love Cody in his role as Stardust, it was odd at first but he has certainly made the most of it. It has gotten to the point where it even begins to freak Goldust out! Action was a little slow and the crowd just could not get into the action at all. The commentators were great in their roles in hyping up both competitors and the match but that silent crowd just totally killed the experience of what was a pretty basic match. The ending did not help matters when the referee butchered the finishing count as Goldust rolled Stardust up. After, Stardust refuses to shake the hand of Goldust as Dusty Rhodes watches from the back.
Winner: Goldust
Rating: *1/4

Match 3: WWE World Tag Team Championships - The Usos (c) vs. Cesaro & Tyson Kidd
This is going to be good. I'm a huge fan of both teams and I'm pleased to say that these guys did not disappoint. The Memphis crowd is behind both teams and their styles clashed very nicely against each other. Fun action from top to bottom and it is definitely a breath of fresh air in the tag division to see two teams getting a sufficient amount of time on a PPV. They needed to differentiate this match from the opener and they did a great job. Lots of close finishes and lots of cool moves that had the crowd on their toes. Cesaro & Kidd get the win to capture the belts!
Winners: Cesaro & Tyson Kidd
Rating: ***1/2

Match 4: Divas Championship - Nikki Bella (c) vs. Paige
After the confrontation between Triple H and Sting, there needed to be a match to cool the crowd down and this was it. The Bellas are always involved in wacky feuds and this one isn't too different. Basic Divas match here that saw Nikki get the win with a handful of tights. Regular Divas match here with nothing that really stood out.
Winner: Nikki Bella
Rating: *

Match 5: Intercontinental Championship - Bad News Barrett (c) vs. Dean Ambrose
Huge fan of both these guys, definitely stepping up their game and molding themselves as legit main event guys. Good wrestling from the two as Barrett tried hitting his elbow finisher but Ambrose gets the upper hand and counters. Barrett tries to leave with his belt but Ambrose won't let him, he then goes off on Barrett as the bell is rung for a disqualification against Ambrose. Finish makes sense as nobody has to eat the pin leading into WrestleMania. But the match was too basic for me, what is different from this match as compared to what we see on Raw? If we're paying extra for a PPV, we should be expecting and getting more. Afterwards, Ambrose lays out Barrett and steals his belt.
Winner: Bad News Barrett
Rating: **1/4

Match 6: United States Championship - Rusev (c) vs. John Cena
Rusev has come off as a beast these past months and this feud with Cena is only doing wonders for him. His style reminds me of Umaga and just like Umaga, Rusev's style goes nicely against Cena's. Rusev looked good here, Cena was selling his moves perfectly and Rusev even kicked out of an Attitude Adjustment. This match definitely stood out from the others so far and not because of the star power. I enjoyed the slower action and enjoyed the fact that Rusev's undefeated streak was getting teased. They went for a good 15 minutes or so before Rusev finally locked in his Accolade. Cena is able to nearly escape before Lana comes in to distract the referee where Rusev lands a low blow along with a kick. Rusev then locks it in where the referee had no choice but to call for the bell. Enjoyable first main event of the night that made Rusev look like an animal and scoring a victory over Cena. Only sets up for a bigger match down the line.
Winner: Rusev
Rating: ***1/4

Match 7: Daniel Bryan vs. Roman Reigns
Here it is, the main event of the evening with the winner scoring an opportunity to face Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 31. Yeah, doesn't make much sense to me either. For those who have any doubts, Roman Reigns is a star and this match proved it. I'm sick of the argument that Daniel Bryan carries people in matches because Reigns more than held his own here. Awesome back and fourth action throughout that somewhat had Bryan come off more as a heel even though more than half the crowd was on his side. Interesting dynamic as Bryan had to rely on his kicks and submissions while Reigns simply had to rely on powering out and landing blows to gain an advantage. Reigns ultimately hit a cool Spear when Bryan went for his running knee finisher. Reigns is still your WrestleMania 31 main event against Brock Lesnar. Great main event that proves that the WWE is solidly behind Reigns over Bryan. Whether you like it or not.
Winner: Roman Reigns
Rating: ****

Overall Show Thoughts and Rating:
This felt like an episode of SmackDown more than anything. Two lengthy promos and a pretty average card that sets up the final foundation for WrestleMania. There really isn't anything here aside from maybe the main event that I might want someone to go out of their way to watch. Let's go to Santa Clara... if you're still interested.
Rating: 6/10

Friday, April 3, 2015

WWE Elimination Chamber 2014 Review

Match 1: Intercontinental Championship - Big E (c) vs. Jack SwaggerGood choice of opener as the crowd is surprisingly pretty hot behind Big E. Swagger also doesn't really get the attention he deserves, too. It's hard to believe he was in one of the main events of last year's WrestleMania. Fun opening match that saw Big E hit an Ankle Lock for the win. Crowd was hot for Big E and especially for the finish. Nicely sets up the show.
Winner: Big E
Rating: **1/4

Match 2: WWE Tag Team Championships - The New Age Outlaws (c) vs. The Usos
Crowd really isn't into Billy Gunn or Road Dogg which isn't much of a surprise since this is a PG crowd. Fun tag match as The Usos have become a joy to watch. So much energy that the crowd can't help but react to them, a definite fresh taste in what has become a stale division. However, they weren't able to convert their energy into gold as The New Age Outlaws retain the belts.
Winners: The New Age Outlaws
Rating: **1/2

Match 3: Darren Young vs. Titus O'Neil
After a heel turn from Titus O'Neil when he tore apart Darren Young in a beating reminiscent to Batista turning on Rey Mysterio in 2009, the former team clash here. Titus is a big dude and I'm interested to see how far he will go as a singles competitor. Basically, this match saw Titus beat down Young with Young doing his best to try and retaliate but to no avail. Titus wins with a move he calls Clash of the Titus in a short filler of a match.
Winner: Titus O'Neil
Rating: *

Match 4: The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family
The two biggest factions in the industry in one ring going at it for the very first time. This is going to be awesome. As a matter of fact, the crowd is even chanting that before the match even begins. This all began on an edition of Raw when The Wyatts interfered in a match with The Shield that cost them their entry into the Elimination Chamber match. They built the match around two guys, Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt. They teased them getting tagged in but it was mainly the other four for the better part of the match. WWE always does a great job when it comes to production values and this was no different, they captured perfect facial reactions from Reigns and Wyatt so nicely that you just felt the urgency for them to get in the ring. You just knew something was going down when they would get tagged in. But that's not discounting what was going on in the ring between the other four at all. Because they tore the house down. A frenzy from start to finish with the crowd being behind them every single step of the way. So many unique spots and close finishes that even saw The Wyatts slam Seth Rollins hard through the announcers table as Bray watched with a stoic face. The only member of The Shield left to handle was the juggernaut of the group, Roman Reigns. They surrounded the ring the same way The Shield does and went to work. Wyatt looked to end Reigns before Reigns powers out of Bray's finisher and took out The Wyatts on his own! He looked like an animal and the crowd loved it! Superman Punches for everyone! However, Bray Wyatt got the better of the exchange and scored the big win. What a match. No slowing down from the start and I loved it. Definitely one of the best matches in recent WWE history and hopefully, for a long time to come. However, it did feel like they pulled the trigger too early on this match which makes me question how long these two teams will be together for. Either way, awesome stuff.
Winners: The Wyatt Family
Rating: ****1/2

Match 5: Divas Championship - AJ Lee (c) vs. Cameron
Where do I start on this? They want to build the Divas division. And this just isn't the way to do it. Right after a hot match, these two go at it and start messing around with pom poms. AJ had Tamina Snuka accompany her ringside and Snuka and interferes which led to disqualification. What am I watching?
Winner: Cameron
Rating: 1/2*

Match 6: Alberto Del Rio vs. Batista
Crowd is so rapidly against Batista, it's pretty crazy and in my opinion, unfortunate. But they want what they want and they sure as hell want their Daniel Bryan. Del Rio comes out in a track outfit along with a cast around his neck and a crutch. He then attacks Batista from behind with the crutch and reveals that he was faking the injury. They go back and fourth a little bit before Batista hits his Batista Bomb for the win. Crowd crapped all over it and the announcers weren't helping the cause. Little feeding match for Batista as we head into New Orleans.
Winner: Batista
Rating: *1/4

Match 7: WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Elimination Chamber - Randy Orton (c) vs. John Cena vs. Christian vs. Cesaro vs. Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan
We have Cesaro and Sheamus to start the pacing of the match. They then had Bryan come in to the huge delight of the crowd as he took on both competitors before Christian and Cena make their way into the match. So far, the action has been fun but nothing overwhelming until Orton comes into play as he stomps around the ring before everybody decides to wake up and turn their heads to him. Orton weasels his way back into his pod before Sheamus Brogue Kicks the glass off and gets his hands on Orton. Such a cool spot that really makes a bigger difference than it seems, Orton is such a coward but Sheamus will stop at nothing to get his hands on him. However, the first elimination finally comes nearly 26 minutes into the match as Sheamus gets ousted first before Christian does moments later by Daniel Bryan. We're down to four with Cesaro looking like the dark horse of the match. He and Cena go after another in a pretty fast and furious exchange before Cesaro gets caught in the STF and becomes the third elimination. Lights go off and The Wyatt Family appear out of nowhere! They take out a rushing Daniel Bryan before they take out Cena which allowed Orton to slither in for the pin. It's now Orton vs. Bryan. Kane is out to seemingly restore order as he yells viciously at The Wyatt Family but out of nowhere, Bryan flies onto Kane and takes him out. Orton tries to take advantage of the situation with an RKO but Bryan kicks out! Out of nowhere, Bryan lands a Running Knee but Kane pulls out the referee! Bryan then gets drilled with a second RKO as Orton retains and scores the victory. Great main event that only gives out more questions leading into WrestleMania XXX. The eliminations were great and while The Wyatts interfering was kind of odd, it ignites Cena's match for WrestleMania. Great ending to a decent show.
Winner: Randy Orton
Rating: ****

Overall Show Thoughts and Rating:
Two matches define this show and everything else is forgettable. As a matter of fact, everything else were basically matches that could be seen on a Monday Night Raw! Lots of questions heading into WrestleMania XXX with the main one surrounding Daniel Bryan. While the PPV wasn't the greatest thing ever, it served its purpose in hyping up the next show, WrestleMania. The next few weeks should be very interesting. 
Rating: 7/10