Tuesday, June 26, 2012

ROH Supercard of Honor VI Review

Match 1: Homicide vs. Michael Elgin
Decent opening match from the two. Just something you would normally see in a Homicide match. A few fancy moves here and there until Homicide grabs the win.
Winner: Homicide
Rating: **½

Match 2: Adam Cole & Kyle O’Reilly vs. Bravado Brothers
Full of action with a hot crowd to back things up. They’re definitely not the two best tag teams in the business but they can pull out matches like this whenever they want.
Winners: Adam Cole & Kyle O’Reilly
Rating: ***

Match 3: Steve Corino vs. Mike Bennett
Very similar to their last encounters which shouldn’t really come as a surprise. Both were good in their roles and Jimmy Jacobs should make for some interesting things down the stretch.
Winner: Mike Bennett
Rating: **¾

Match 4: El Generico vs. Chris Hero
Very entertaining match that was more fun than actual wrestling. Sometimes, these matches are needed and it was a nice change of pace from the night. Short and just enjoyable to watch.
Winner: El Generico
Rating: **¾

Match 5: Davey Richards vs. Charlie Haas
This match would definitely be in the four star range a year ago or so but times have changed and after watching many Davey matches, the formula has gotten a bit dry. Very intense and very fun to watch but again, after watching this formula so many times, one must wonder why no one sells anything most of the time. It takes so much away from the match. Even still, I did enjoy this match and Davey screaming at the top of his lungs is always fun.
Winner: Davey Richards

Match 6: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Shelton Benjamin
A bit slow but definitely a nice way to slow down the pacing of the show as we anticipate the next two matches. With that said, the match itself was really good as both men really know how to institute psychology into a match and get the crowd going. The feud between both tag teams continue!
Winner: Shelton Benjamin
Rating: ***¼

Match 7: Chicago Street Fight - The All Night Express vs. The Briscoes
Just a fun and insane fight, you can almost feel the intensity. Definitely on par with last year’s street fight as chains, chairs, tables, and big spots were all used in the process. The feud really picks up here as something more dangerous and something more intense is on the way.
Winners: The Briscoes
Rating: ****

Match 8: ROH World Championship - Eddie Edwards © vs. Roderick Strong
They went for an intense match and that is exactly what they gave us. A very strong follow up to their epic match a couple months back. Edwards is beginning to play the John Cena role, he’s somewhat the new face of the company and the psychology of their matches are very similar. And that’s a good thing. Fantastic main event with a fantastic promo afterwards to cap things off.
Winner: Eddie Edwards
Rating: ****

Overall Show Thoughts and Rating:
A very strong Chicago show as Ring of Honor steps into a new world. The undercard was definitely worthwhile and the two main events delivered in their own rights. I’m not sure if I want to call this the best show of the year but it’s definitely up there.
Rating: 8.75/10

Monday, June 11, 2012

ROH Revolution: Canada Review

Match 1: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Kyle O’Reilly
Awesome opening match! Both men really know how to get a crowd going, especially Claudio as he picked up the win. He is just a star out there.
Winner: Claudio Castagnoli
Rating: ***

Match 2: Mike Bennett vs. Steve Corino
Went a little longer than it really had to but still enjoyable and entertaining. Bennett is slowly becoming a player in ROH and wins like this will really help elevate him.
Winner: Mike Bennett
Rating: **½

Match 3: Double Danger Scramble - Rhett Titus vs. Adam Cole vs. Michael Elgin vs. Tommaso Ciampa vs. Grizzly Redwood vs. Andy Ridge
Hectic, fun, and more fun. Toss a bunch of guys in a match and let them go loose and this is the end result. Elgin is a beast, no other way to put it.
Winner: Michael Elgin
Rating: ***¾

Match 4: Davey Richards vs. Kenny King
For all the hate this match may get, it was still very good. Kenny looked motivated and Davey’s botch at the end didn’t take anything away. I just wish the crowd would have gotten into the action more. Good match that dragged on at times but still enjoyable.
Winner: Davey Richards
Rating: ***½

Match 5: Delirious vs. Colt Cabana
Ain’t no doubt about it... That was too much fun, a beautiful and fitting tribute to Mr. Sweet & Sour. RIP Larry Sweeney. 12 large!
Winner: Colt Cabana
Rating: n/a

Match 6: Christopher Daniels vs. El Generico
Really enjoyable match! Great chemistry between the two and the crowd was hot throughout. Sets up for some fun stuff down the line with Corino getting in the mix of things. This show is really getting good.
Winner: El Generico
Rating: ***¾

Match 7: ROH World Tag Team Championships - Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team © vs. The Briscoes
Good for what it was worth. It was the match you would come to expect from these guys. WGTT get the win after All Night Express interfere.
Winners: Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team
Rating: ***

Match 8: ROH World Championship - Eddie Edwards © vs. Chris Hero
From the build to the match itself, this match had epic written all over it. An amazing match that further stamps these two as the company’s biggest stars. Edwards wins via knock out on The Young Knock Out Kid. Tremendous action and psychology from start to finish.
Winner: Eddie Edwards
Rating: ****½

Overall Show Thoughts and Rating:
Not the best show ever, but definitely a fun one. Main event managed to define not only the show, but the weekend as a whole. Phenomenal effort from both men to close out the weekend on a strong note.
Rating: 8/10

Sunday, June 3, 2012

ROH Revolution: USA Review

Match 1: Tommaso Ciampa vs. Homicide
This match was another decent exchange to get the crowd going for the show and basically the same thing as their last match with the only difference here being Prince Nana helping out Ciampa in his cause to win. Nothing special but Ciampa gets a good win as Homicide wraps up his weekend.
Winner: Tommaso Ciampa
Rating: **

Match 2: Michael Elgin vs. Andy Ridge
Elgin gets the win in about five minutes after driving Ridge hard on the mat. Elgin has a great future and I can’t wait to see where he will be in a year from now. This match, however, was just stupid.
Winner: Michael Elgin
Rating: ½*

Match 3: Mike Bennett vs. Grizzly Redwood
This suffers the same problem from the last. Why does it take Bennett, a man who we are trying to elevate into a better position, about five or so minutes to beat this guy? The interest level in the first three matches of the night have never been this low for me. I’m just hoping the next match changes this.
Winner: Mike Bennett
Rating: ½*

Match 4: First Blood - The Briscoes vs. The All Night Express
Great stuff and a great way to finally crack open this show a bit. The ending was just downright clever and the crowd enjoyed everything about this one. This feud is definitely going to be huge.
Winners: The All Night Express
Rating: ***¼

Match 5: Christopher Daniels vs. Colt Cabana
Daniels gets the win with help from Truth Martini who nailed Cabana with the book. Decent affair with Daniels doing a great job as his new role as a heel.
Winner: Christopher Daniels
Rating: **¾

Match 6: Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team vs. Adam Cole & Kyle O’Reilly
Just your typical WGTT match, same stuff with the same moves and reversals. Good match but this thing is getting old pretty fast and the crowd was super dead. They pick up the win and raise their opponents’ arms. Time to move on.
Winners: Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team
Rating: **½

Match 7: No Disqualification - El Generico vs. Roderick Strong
Great brawl involving a hot crowd, lots of reasonable interference, and great action from these two which includes a sick finish. Good way to get the crowd ready for the epic main event.
Winner: Roderick Strong
Rating: ***½

Match 8: The Kings of Wrestling vs. The American Wolves
Better than the last time? Tough to call but damn, this was good. Great storytelling and fantastic in ring action. Amazing match with an amazing ending. The exchange between The Wolves afterwards just adds layers upon layers of drama. Tomorrow’s main event is going to be good.
Winners: The Kings of Wrestling
Rating: ****¼

Overall Show Thoughts and Rating:
Not the best show ever but still a pretty good show with an awesome main event that must be watched!
Rating: 7.25/10