Monday, September 3, 2018

Match of the Week (September 3, 2018) - The Undertaker vs. Triple H (WWE WrestleMania XXVIII)

With both Hell in a Cell being in two weeks, I decided to take a look back at one of my favorite Hell in a Cell matches that also happens to be a match that will be happening in a month... The Undertaker vs. Triple H. This match was billed as "The End of an Era" with two legends squaring off inside the most legendary structure the WWE has ever seen on the biggest stage of all. If that wasn't enough, Shawn Michaels served as the guest referee for the match. In my opinion, this match blew their previous match a year ago completely out of the water with an incredible mix of emotion and physicality. This match also goes down as one of The Undertaker's final greatest displays as The Streak would go on to be broken just a couple years later.


Hell in a Cell - The Undertaker vs. Triple H (Taken from WWE WrestleMania XXVIII Review)
The epilogue after the series of matches between The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels continues here as Triple H gets another opportunity at conquering The Undertaker and The Streak. With Shawn Michaels as the guest referee and the contest being battled inside Hell in a Cell, this is easily one of the most anticipated matches of all time. Just the matches between Michaels and Undertaker, I don’t know where to begin with this one. Just a definite masterpiece in its own right. The ambiance, the production, the lowering of the cage, everything was done masterfully and the match already had its pace set before the bell even rang. Good action from the first few minutes before Hunter seemingly had his grasp on the match. He began to take The Undertaker out with a series of nasty chair shots to the dismay of Shawn who tried to stop the match to Undertaker’s refusal. Hunter calls back to WrestleMania XXVI by telling Undertaker to stay down. Shawn tries to get himself involved until Undertaker takes him out before being saved by Triple H. Good psychology and smart wrestling from the first half until the second half takes off with The Undertaker getting back into the thick of things and gives Triple H chair shots. Plenty of great spacing, kicking out, and spots from the match so far with Michaels dropping Undertaker with Sweet Chin Music in revenge. However, Triple H can’t capitalize and that even after bringing out the sledgehammer, The Undertaker and his streak is safe. After a grueling battle, Triple H tries to hit The Undertaker with one last shot through the sledgehammer to which The Undertaker catches the shot and caps off the match with a Tombstone. Everything worked, this match had so much hype that I didn’t think it would live up to it. However, I was wrong. Amazing action, Shawn was great in his role, and the whole match consisted of smart wrestling psychology. One for the ages. A definite end of an era.
Winner: The Undertaker
Rating: *****

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