Sunday, February 28, 2010

Blog - 2/28/10

On the last day of February, I have decided to give you a new blog with a good amount of things to talk about.

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who watched my Machinima Contest entry video which was the 2010 Super Bowl Commercial featuring the beautiful West Ardougne. Although it didn't win, I'm so very glad that I got the opportunity to share it with my wonderful fans and subscribers. THANK YOU!

I've been playing a lot of video games lately, mainly Lego Batman and Left 4 Dead 2. I don't know what it is about those Lego games that makes me crave for more. Oh, and Left 4 Dead 2 is pretty damn good as well.

WrestleMania 26 is just days away and so far, the card is looking magical. Hopefully, I'll be there in Arizona to watch it live.

School has been going great and it's the main reason on why there hasn't been a lot of videos made by me. I'm excited to end this year of school because next year is going to be an awesome one. My summer is also going to be a busy one as well. My goals for this year's summer: complete summer school, get a job, and begin my career as a pro wrestler.

I'll be back soon to post another blog and share with you what I've been doing. I just want to thank all my fans once more who have supported me and give me that boost to make more and better videos. THANK YOU!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blog - 2/7/10

Today is definitely going to be a big one because it's the Super Bowl between the Saints and the Colts! The team I'm pulling for is the Saints because I really like Drew Brees. I'm pretty damn excited about it!

Also, I announced last night that NightmareRH is the 2009 Video Maker of the Year. Congratulations to NightmareRH on this special honor!